
Second Summer of Seether, May 29, 2022 It's the Day! part 2 The Hu, Bush, Seether, Papa Roach (almost)

  5:40-6:20 The Hu My husband has been listening to The Hu on You Tube.  They had a few out and we watched Wolf Totem both the original and the one with Jacoby Shaddix and Song of Women with Lzzy Hale.  As of this date, there are many more and concert recordings as well.  Being old school, or just old, my husband and I spent some time playing  "Who's on First" with the band names: The Hu vs. The Who.  Stupid jokes never get old.  We wondered if Jacoby Shaddix would join The Hu for the song he did with them, but it wasn't to be. Background:  A folk and mental music band from Mongolia, The Hu use both standard rock instruments and traditional instruments from their home country to create an outstanding blend of both.  Vocals also incorporate Mongolian throat singing, a powerful sound.  This band is composed of classically trained musicians who play many different instruments.  Some have taught music, made or restored instruments, won national awards for music and wrote

Second Summer of Seether, May 29, 2022 It's the Day! part 1 Giovannie & the Hired Guns, Dead Sara, Fuel

  Dallas Weather Sunday May 29, 2022 We drove into Dallas after breakfast Sunday, glad that the concert was not on a weekday or even on Saturday.  Traffic was pretty light and we allowed two hours to get to the venue by the time the parking lot opened.  We got to the lot at entrance #9 like the directions said.  Nope, it was #10 so we went back around and a kind, red-bearded employee said we were in the right place but sadly admitted than restrooms were inside the venue which opened at 2:00.  Aakkk! Walgreens is the closest restroom so we went there, making a U-Turn, of course, because I headed the wrong way down the street Walgreens was on.  You should be used to this by now.  You may be wondering why my husband doesn't insist on driving.  Well, I get bored just sitting there and if I suck at directions while driving, think of what it would be like having me provide directions while you drive.  Nope. I headed towards the restroom behind a gal with a tattoo on her shoulder.  "

Second Summer of Seether, May 27, 2022 Dallas, Texas. Google Map Lady, I hate you!

  What brings me to Dallas?  Seether, of course!  The start of my second summer of Seether.  I have my tickets in hand.  Well, on my phone.  I have the Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum deluxe edition plus T-shirt on order.  Well, pre-order.  I got to listen to Deliver Me  once before they realized their mistake and took it back down.  I listened to Leech on the airplane.  Yeah, that didn't work out.  Pretty bad if you can't hear Seether through the earbuds stuck in your ears.  And the flight crew had an announcement in the middle of the song.  "Dong". "Something, something about safety." Don't you know you are interrupting Seether!   Yes, I know I'm being ridiculous. Let's move on.  So with the March practice under my belt, I took out my ID early, put everything, including shoes and phone in boxes to be scanned and remembered to tell the official by the scanning booth I had a belt on.  He had me take it off and he held it while I was being body scanned.

Second Summer of Seether Pre-Game April 6, 2022

  Seether, Idaho 2021 T ouring strikes me as being told where to go every day for months by a sadistic travel agent.  In the continuing saga of seeing Seether on tour, we start our second Summer of Seether waiting for concert dates posted on their website.  The very first one I saw was for the Welcome to Rockville 2022 in Daytona Beach Florida.  I approached my husband, who is my plus one on these trips, to discuss the merits of this choice.  For us, these are our vacations for the year, so although seeing Seether is the focus (for me at least), the location is also a consideration.  I described the event, more like Aftershock than a single concert.  It's a four day festival with pretty much all the hard rock/metal bands I've ever heard of.  A four-day general audience pass is $1,039.00 each person.  It's Florida in May.  Airplane tickets plus accommodations.  I said, "I'm not sure about Florida."  My husband just said, "Well, we've never been there.&

Ayron Jones With a Side of Shinedown February 2, 2022 Part 2 Shinedown

  Just before the next band came on, the couple on the other side of our small table arrived.  They had driven about 60 miles to see Shinedown.  We chatted for a little bit and they, like us, have three children, but their youngest is about 10 years younger than ours.  They are Shinedown fans and this is the sixth or seventh time seeing them.  I showed off my Seether Vicennial hoody and the lady was enthusiastic about Seether as well.  I began to think I should have become familiar with Shinedown.  They have the energy and camaraderie of Ayron Jones and The Way, but are much more polished and the staging elaborate in comparison.  The drum set is certainly more complex.  Sort of comparing the Starship Enterprise to a shuttlecraft.  The shuttlecraft works wonderfully but isn't as fancy. (No offense meant Mr. Jimmi!)  But they have been playing together since 2001 and the 2022 version Ayron Jones and The Way had been together only since December of 2021.  Not that they haven't bee

Ayron Jones With a Side of Shinedown February 2, 2022 Part 1

  You would think after living in my city for over 30 years I would not make a wrong turn, but, true to form, I missed the exit and had to do a U-turn on the freeway.  Just kidding.  I got off and back on in the right direction.  In my defense, the city did change the freeway configuration so that the exit for downtown 20 years ago is not the exit for downtown in 2022.  But that is just a way to excuse my sense of direction.  Remember Sacramento?  So my husband and I were on our way to the Ayron Jones-Shinedown concert held in a 2,500 capacity venue on a chilly February Wednesday.  We took off work a little early and got there about 6:15 for what we thought was a 7:00 start.  Really it was 8:00, but even at 6:15 the line was down the street and around the corner.  I wasn't sure how the whole thing worked so we parked and walked to the front of the line to ask if this was the right line.  Remember Seether at the Ace of Spades?  We went through three lines before we found the one we

November 8, 2021 Summer of Seether The Final Gasp

  North + South America Thursday, November 11th • 7pm MST It's November!  I was pushing it with October, but I can hardly call November "Summer".  Well, I'm not going to call this "The Fall of Seether".  That sounds a bit dire and also too close to "The Fall of Caesar."  Small tangent, I'm doing some transcription of interviews with the band, since the earliest ones seem to be disappearing from the Internet. I use the captions feature to help out and it's amazing the variety of interpretations for "Seether".  Caesar.  Shawntel Seaver which is actually "Shaun and Dale from Seether" Sirvir.  I won't even get started with what captions does with Dale and Shaun's South African accents. My last concert of the year will be the film from the Ace of Spades concert in Sacramento.  I saw a small clip of it and although I have heard the performance in person, I will be able to hear what the band is talking about between the
